
Introducing Rieco GraviFeederTM : Loss-in-weight Feeder

Accurate weighing with accuracy of +/-0.5% every time!
Welcome to the future of precision feeding with Rieco’s newly launched GraviFeederTM - LIW (Loss-in-weight) Feeders. Engineered for worldclass precision in feeding, our GraviFeederTM is the ideal dosing system for a diverse range of bulk solids in the food, pharmaceutical, chemical, or plastics industry, our advanced feeders deliver the accuracy and reliability you need. Designed to excel in demanding environments, including high-temperature and ATEX zones, Rieco's GraviFeederTM - LIW Feeders ensure optimal performance by electronically balancing the weight of materials. This sophisticated technology allows the controller to precisely sense and adjust the weight of the material in the supply hopper, guaranteeing consistent and accurate dosing every time. Our Loss-in-weight Feeders are available from capacity of 30 kg/h to 8000 kg/h to revolutionize your production processes, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and safety in your operations.

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Why Rieco GraviFeederTM Loss-in-weight feeder?

  • Wide range of dosing rate from 35 to 8000 Kg/hr
  • Handles floodable, hot and difficult materials
  • Optimised design (offset hopper and load cells)
  • Suitable for powders with demanding characteristics
  • Consistent dosing system
  • Highly automated system
  • Feed accuracy can always be checked during normal operation, without the need for sampling
  • Interchangeable homogeniser
  • Interchangeable screw arrangement for application need
  • Data collection and analysis
  • Reduced labour requirement
  • Vertical homogeniser based on powder properties
  • Quick and tool-less assembly / dismantle for easy cleaning

Working Principle of Rieco GraviFeederTM LIW

Rieco Gravimetric LIW (Loss-in-weight) Feeders operate using a sophisticated and precise method to ensure accurate dosing of materials. The process involves the following key steps:

  • Material Dosing:

    A screw feeder doses powder from a hopper, periodically refilled from a larger storage silo.

  • Weight Measurement:

    The hopper, mounted on weigh cells, continuously measures the material's weight.

  • Gravimetric Mode:

    When not refilling, the system operates in gravimetric mode, calculating the flow rate by measuring the rate of weight loss and adjusting the screw feeder speed to match the desired discharge rate.

  • Volumetric Mode:

    During refilling, the system switches to volumetric mode, making educated guesses about the flow rate due to the net weight gain.

  • Setpoint Regulation:

    Operators set a predetermined feed rate, and the controller adjusts the feeder speed to maintain this rate, compensating for material flow variations and bulk density changes.

This process ensures accurate and reliable material dosing for various industrial applications.

Key Features of Rieco GraviFeederTM LIW

  • Unaffected by accumulation of dust and material
  • Works well at low feed rates
  • One of the most economical feeders available in market
  • Designed for feed Gravimetric feeding of free-flowing powders, granules, and other bulk solid materials
  • Modular single screw feeder with a 3-point weighing system
  • Feeder screws equipped with shovels for better filling
  • Various type of feeder screws for different bulk materials
  • All material-contact parts are stainless steel
  • Continuous Loss-In-Weight system includes a hopper, metering feeder, scale system, and microprocessor controller
  • Electronic weight balancing allows the controller to sense only the material weight in the hopper

Experience the pinnacle of precision and efficiency with Rieco’s Gravimetric LIW Feeders. Designed to meet the demanding needs of various industries, our feeders provide reliable and accurate material dosing, enhancing your production processes.

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