Pneumatic conveying is a reliable innovative system for transportation and handling bulk solids in the form of grains or powders. By utilizing the air pressure, these technology-based transportation are commonly…
In today's industrial age, it's crucial for a business to keep the air pollution-free and comply with environmental regulations or face serious issues. It's vital to have an air scrubber…
Choosing the right electrostatic precipitator (ESP) is crucial for industries that need to control air pollution and maintain air quality standards. But how do you make the right choice? ESPs…
When it comes to dust collection solutions, experts have always argued between bag filter and electrostatic precipitators (ESPs). Every industry is looking for an innovative technology which helps them find…
The resolving power of a human eye is 100 microns (0.1mm). Any particle less than 100 microns cannot be distinguishingly identified by a normal eye – that’s one reason why…
From fighting the pandemic to creating vaccination as soon as possible – Coronavirus created a havoc that no one was prepared for. One such issue that came with the pandemic…
Every business and place of work relies on safety. Be it financial safety, social safety, or physical safety. It is something companies need to proactively focus on so that no…
With the widespread use of wall putty many paint manufacturers have entered the production of wall putty. It is now a mature market with a market capitalization of over Rs 3,000 crores.…
Innovations in Pneumatic Conveying Technology
Which is a better choice between dilute and dense phase?
Although there is lot of information online, when it comes to making a decision between…
Blending is an essential part of the manufacturing process. The quality of the manufactured product is determined by the texture, form, ingredients, and quantity of the product. Most industries…